Sunday, 20 February 2011

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Once again, we asked people on Facebook. As Gabrielle Aplin has a fan page and over 13,000 followers, it would be a lot easier to post a comment on her wall about her EP. As fans on the page are very "into" her music we will get a lot of good feedback and would be able to use this within our ancillary task.
Here we used Twitter. We asked a specific question about the actual song we were using which is called "Ghosts!" we got a lot of feedback on this page as twitter is widely used across the world. We got a wide variety of different answers which is what we were hoping for.
Friday, 4 February 2011
This image is a good image because of the closeness of the model. As she is taking up most of the frame it seems interesting and fun to look at. The colours also work well together because the colour of her hair contrasting with the lip colour really stand out and give a wacky feel to the image.
The angle the picture has been taken on also works well because as the angle is high, she is looking up at the camera which makes her seem slightly valnerable which is what the music video is about. So this would be a good image to use for the front cover.
This image is a good image to use for the fornt CD cover because of the closeness and personal feel to the photograph. The colours are bright and colourful which would also attract the audience to the CD if it was to be bought.
There will need to be some cropping involved when editing the image because it is the wrong shape and there is too much negative space for a CD cover or the inside pages but it will work perfectly when finished.