Wednesday 12 January 2011


Me and charley have produced a photoshoot around a cold natural environment. We have used many different shots and locations so we are able to experiment and try different outcomes. These are a few of the images we found were successful when finding a good shot for a CD cover.

This image i would crop so we get a close up of the face. I feel that this would work because the cold colours and the black and white coat allow the red hair to completely contrast with the background which gives the whole image a wacky and interesting atmosphere. I feel this picture as a whole would work well as a CD cover because it is also very similar to Rihannah's newest CD cover.

This is also a good image that i could use for the CD cover as everything in the image is very symmetrical and straight. I feel that having the objects and location lined up in a certain form, the image works a lot better. Therefore i used the bench and had my actor looking out of place as she is sat slightly to one side which makes her seem out of place. This is what i was trying to do. The image will obviously be cropped to a square which will allow the image to work even better.

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