Saturday 26 March 2011


Today we are editing. We are slightly behind as we have had a few times where my partner has not been in and we were unable to do anything. Now we have some decent footage however, i feel that i am ready to start editing the music video.

First of all, i tried putting together a sequence in iMovie, but i could not get along with the program so i moved all of my footage into Final Cut. This program is a lot more easy to get on with and i was able to start editing. I found it a lot easier because there were layers and i could see everything that was going on. having a time line in front of me, makes me feel a lot more in control.

I started by bringing in all of the sucessful performance shots that i feel i could use in the video. Starting from the main sequence on the top line as this will be the most used. I had to ensure all of the clips were in sync with the song and all in time with eachother, therefore i had to mark the clip when the first lyric started and the same with the song, lining them up as i go along. This was very difficult as sometimes the mouth movements wouldnt add with the lyrics but i have to make do with that. Making sure the layers were locked when not being edited, i started cutting into the different clips creating a simple sequence of performance shots. (i will later add the narrative).

For my first try on the editing program, i feel i worked quiet well with it. I got used to where the tools were and what they did and i now feel very comfortable.

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