Sunday 3 April 2011


Editing today, i feel went well because i was able to start putting some narrative scenes in towards the end of the lesson as i was very comfortable with how the performance shots were going.

I started putting some simple narrative shots in as my partner was not in and i did not want to create something she did not agree with. Once i started building the music video up with many different layers, it started to look more like a music video with a selection of different shots changes. I have tried very hard to make the video flow as half way through filming, my partner changed the colour of her hair dramatically from blonde to red, so i have to tie the whole different hair colours in together to make it flow well.

I have set a target to myself that i want up to 2 minutes completed and perfected by the 20th April as i feel having a target will make me work harder and be more determind to complete it. I would like a variety of different shots, both narrative and performance within the 2 minutes and if more footage is needed then i will have to go and film some more.

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